CIP簽署2.1億元工程合約打造亞太首座離岸風電運維中心 預計明年10月啟用

哥本哈根基礎建設基金(Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners,CIP)分別與瑞助營造股份有限公司簽署「彰芳暨西島離岸風場運維中心統包工程合約」,及與台灣世曦工程顧問股份有限公司簽署「彰芳暨西島離岸風場運維中心專業營建管理合約」,透過兩家台灣廠商參與,將以彰化漁港為基地,打造符合國際水準、永續20年以上的運維中心。工程預計2021年10月完工,將成為亞太地區率先由開發商主導興建,且是「彰化在地化」比重高達八成的離岸風場運維基地。





彰芳暨西島離岸計畫執行長Dennis Sanou致詞時表示,非常開心宣布CIP跟瑞助營造將攜手打造配備完整的離岸風電運維碼頭並正式簽署合約。Sanou表示,外海風機需要定期且專業的維護,且是龐大的工程。而他也表示CIP自2019年準備標案開始,在選商條件中就納入了彰化在地化比例佔30%的要求,但令他感到非常肯定的是彰化在地合作廠商瑞助營造自主將在地化比例從開發商要求的30%拉高至80%。而雙方在今年三月簽署備忘錄之後,就針對專案的細節設計進行討論及密切互動,這與CIP看重長遠合作關係的文化十分相符。Sanou表示在自己二十多年的工程經驗中,從來沒有遇過沒有挑戰的專案,但是挑戰可以一項一項被克服。但他也強調,彰化漁港硬體建設要能如期如質完成,需要中央跟地方政府與各方持續努力,共同落實彰化漁港蓬勃發展。

CIP台灣區董事總經理許乃文表示,彰化漁港在地理位置上最適合於航道內的三座離岸風場: 中能、台電與彰芳西島維護運轉之用;彰化漁港北邊為漁業碼頭、南邊為維護運轉碼頭,是落實漁電共生共榮的好標的。一般的商業標案主要看兩大標準,即技術標和價格標。CIP為落實離岸風電本土化政策,在彰化運維中心的選商評分比重當中,除30%技術標、40%價格標,再加上了30%「本土化」達成率。她表示,目前台灣尚未看到堪比歐洲的運維漁港和港口,而已宏觀的角度來說,亞太其他市場的離岸風場尚未起頭,沒有一座可以直接跟歐洲接軌的運維風場,而台灣即將迎來首座,如此龐大的工程,除服務離岸風電,也將帶動周遭經濟活動,因此中央和地方政府也須同步協助提升漁港軟硬體措施。她表示,彰化漁港一期工程包括泊位可以完成,運維端的建設在明年十月完工,讓我們開始做準備,可以說是非常基礎的;二期的確三十億經費,中油可以有據點可以為船舶加油,建造大型的倉儲或者是漁市場,活絡在地經濟。


台灣世曦工程顧問董事長施義芳表示,世曦工程顧問以本土工程起家,深耕台灣達五十餘年,今年六月已通過BIM國際標準ISO19650驗證,成為台灣首家取得驗證,也是國內規模最大的專業工程顧問公司,有兩千多位工程師負責專案管理,二十幾個部門,且跨足建築 鋼結構、公共建設包括捷運等領域。值此台灣政府積極推動離岸風電政策,台灣世曦在2015年已開始投入離岸風電產業。在完成彰濱離岸風電運維基地碼頭細部設計後,更擔負彰濱離岸風電運維基地碼頭工程監造,並執行CIP運維中心的專業營建管理。施義芳表示這是一個「永續的工程」,世曦將本於專業,與所有工作團隊共同打造國際水準的運維基地。


無人載具興起! 港務公司:這三港口已採用做岸壁探測

無人自動操作是世界趨勢,除了科技廠商要跟上這波浪潮,交通部所屬單位也在朝此目標努力。台灣港務公司說,今年初首度於蘇澳港、基隆港和高雄港使用「ROV(Remotely Operated vehicle)碼頭水下無人載具檢測工作委託技術服務」,取代潛水夫做岸壁探測,使用報告結果也將在年底出爐,終極目標是做出水下機器人,替代人工去做修補工作,同時替船隻做檢測。







風電國產化邁大步,達德 CTV 風盛一號登場

達德能源(wpd)委託龍德造船打造風場維運期間專用人員運輸船(CTV)。wpd 表示,風盛一號是首艘由開發商主動打造 CTV,展現開發商對台灣風電產業的信心。

wpd 與風場維運合作夥伴德唯特公司及風盛航運公司響應國艦國造政策,委託龍德造船打造 CTV,並於宜蘭蘇澳港舉行命名儀式。

達德能源董事長王雲怡表示,這艘 CTV 名為風盛一號,中文船名特別取「豐盛」的諧音「風盛」,未來將可見到該船在雲林外海運載本土專業工程師,穿梭於離岸風場。她說,風盛一號是首艘由開發商主動打造的 CTV,展現達德能源對台灣離岸風電產業信心。

經濟部能源局長游振偉指出,能源轉型已有成果,離岸風電更帶動產業發展,包括台船大型浮吊船正式簽約進入國艦國造行列。CTV 在未來營運 20 年過程扮演重要角色,相信在達德允能風場會有良好績效。

龍德造船董事長黃守真表示,CTV 必須確保安全、操作靈敏、高度可靠、乘坐舒適及低油耗,才能在風場施工及運維期間提供工作人員運輸服務。風盛一號特殊結構設計,讓船舶航行中的噪音低,搭乘舒適度更加分。他說,龍德造船團隊也藉由這次機會,提升設計及建造技術。

交通部航港局長郭添貴則說,繼台灣港務港勤公司後,達德能源委託龍德造船為台灣風場運維工作打造第 3 座人員運輸船,離岸風電國產化邁出大步。

wpd 旗下陸域風電及太陽光電裝置容量超過 400MW,另外,離岸風電場部分,雲林離岸風場已進入施工階段,預計 2021 年完工並聯。



首艘台製離岸風電安裝船!「Green Jade」啟造2023投入營運

〔記者洪臣宏/高雄報導〕台船環海風電工程公司與台船本月簽署先期造船工作合約,宣告第一艘由台灣自製的離岸風電大型浮吊船進入建造階段,命名為「Green Jade」,預計於2022年底完工,隔年投入台灣離岸風場水下基礎安裝工程。

台船今天指出,「Green Jade」為多功能、高性能、高裝載能量的主力風電工作船,「Jade」源自台灣最高峰玉山的意象,再融入「Green」綠色環保意念,為台灣首艘自建主力工作船。

「Green Jade」船長216.5米,搭載4000噸等級大型吊車、DP3動態定位系統,可容納多達160名船員。在最大化甲板空間之設計下可依裝載需求進行最佳配置,單次作業即可載運多件重型單樁水下基礎、套筒式水下基礎或風機組件,進行新型水下基礎和大型風機運輸與安裝作業。

台船表示,除功能需求考量外,環境保護議題上,「Green Jade」多項重要設備將依循國際環境保護法規,船舶動力系統將用雙燃料引擎,同時將傳統燃油散熱系統配置廢熱回收節能設備,使產生的廢氣熱能轉換為可用電力,除減少廢氣產生,更可節能降低燃料需求。

台船環海董事長曾國正表示,台船環海結合了離岸風場建置最頂尖的DEME Offshore,及造船技術、風機鋼構生產技術位於領先的台船,陸續承攬了彰芳西島風機及中能風場水下基礎安裝,更可執行海龍BOP統包工程,而「Green Jade」是自主建造、經營管理及本土施工,也將台灣海事工程技術能量與船舶設備提昇至國際級水準。

「Green Jade」示意圖。(圖:台船提供)


全球航空業減排一路不順風?  趁疫情爭取鉅額紓困、拖延氣候行動

2020 年 04 月 30 日



面對一系列為了阻止新冠疫情蔓延的限制措施,航空業 95%的客運航班停飛,成為最早、也是蒙受經濟損失最大的行業之一。該行業稱今年虧損將超 2500 億美元。

在格拉斯哥機場因疫情停飛的班機。圖片來源: Alamy


幾家著名組織呼籲各國政府無論給航空公司提供何種支持都必須確保帶有環境附加條件。這些組織有美國環保協會Environmental Defence Fund)、總部位於布魯塞爾的歐洲運輸與環境聯合會(Transport & Environment)、英國公共政策研究所(Institute for Public Policy Research)以及綠色和平

由「留在地面」組織(Possible and Stay Grounded)發起的一份願書也呼籲動用公共資金補助航空公司時,應把僱員利益和氣候變遷放在首位。短短幾天內這份請願書就獲得了超過 5.5 萬個簽名。倡議人士希望通過徵稅,一方面減少航空常客的飛行次數,另一方面讓航空業支付他們應當支付的稅款。目前英國對航空燃油免徵消費稅,許多國家也不對機票徵收增值稅。


政府卻並沒有表現出傾聽這些建議的跡象。美國國會今年 3 月批准了一項 2 萬億美元的補助計劃,其中提供給航空公司的貸款和贈款約 580 億。民主黨曾提議加上附加條款,要求接受財政援助的航空公司,在 2025 年之前抵消國內航班的所有碳排放,並支持可持續航空燃料的商業化。但該條款最終並沒有被採納。

美國環保協會(EDF)高級副總裁伊麗莎白・戈爾(Elizabeth Gore

稱,美國政府正在重複自己應對新冠疫情時所犯下的錯誤。 「現在,領導人們該做的是關注事實,聽取科學家意見,以及採取行動應對社會經濟面臨的危險,」她說。

人們試圖確保全球財政刺激計劃,能夠順應《巴黎協定》目標所需的轉型,而要求在航空業所有的補助計劃中附帶環境條件的呼聲, 也是這一努力的一部分。航空排放佔全球碳排放總量的 2%,而且長期以來一直被視為減排「後段班」。

國際民航組織(ICAO)數據顯示,乘客數量的不斷增長,意味著到 2050 年航空業的排放量預計將比 2005 年增長 300%。

全球航空載客量走勢圖(1970 年到2018 年),數據來源:世界銀行根據國際航空碳抵消和減排計劃(CORSIA),航空公司承諾 2020 年之後國際航班的所有增長,都將通過購買碳減排量來抵消,從而實現碳中和。該計劃將於 2021 年 1 月生效,但最初六年實行自願制,代表只有選擇參與該計劃的國家之間的航班需要抵消。

這項計劃由於過於軟弱,而招致環保人士的普遍不滿。據 ICAO 預到 2035 年全球航空公司每年將花費 50 到 240 億美元購買碳排放權,佔總收入的 0.5%到 1.4%。

英國智庫綠色聯盟(Green Alliance)發布的一份報告顯示,航空公司將通過若干機制購買碳排放權,其中就包括聯合國清潔發展機制。然而,參與該機制的項目中大約有 75%不太可能實現其宣稱的減排額,因此該機制並不可靠。報告稱,CORSIA 不會在 2020 年至 2035 年間實現行業淨排放減少。

此外,在落實《巴黎協定》的過程中,航空業也是表現最差的一個經濟部門。 2 月,投資者牽頭發起的轉型路徑倡議(Transition Pathway Initiative)發布了一份評估。其中,航空業的得分甚至低於石油和天然氣行業。

「撥給航空業的所有資金都必須有明確的量化目標,從而確保接受資助的公司能夠確實遵守《巴黎協定》。」英國倫敦政治經濟學院格蘭瑟姆研究所(Grantham Research Institute)可持續金融教授尼克・羅賓斯(Nick Robins)說。

國際清潔交通委員會海洋和航空項目主管丹尼爾・盧瑟福(Daniel Rutherford)表示:「鑑於我們無法修改過去十年的交通增長水平來適應航空公司的氣候目標,所以,那些以幫助航空業回歸正軌為明確目標的國家補助讓我非常擔心。」

例如,航空業自己的數據顯示,2013 年以來,全球航空運輸增速是燃油效率提高速度的六倍。


航空業稱,自己正面臨著「前所未有的最深重的危機」,儘管旅行限制為期只有三個月,但收入卻比 2019 年減少了約 44%。根據國際航空運輸協會(IATA)的數據,如果得不到財政救濟,大部分航空公司都將破產。

IATA 稱,航空業從業人數有 270 萬,其供應鏈維繫著 6500 萬人的生計,如果沒有航空業,全球經濟重啟將極其困難。

IATA 一直在大力遊說,試圖獲得直接財政支持、貸款、貸款擔保等形式的政府援助,以及政府和中央銀行對企業債券市場的支持。該協會還希望政府減免稅收,免除機場費用,並允許其以代金券而非現金向乘客退款。

協會還在遊說ICAO 改變CORSIA 計劃的基準年份。目前的基準年是2019 至2020 年度,但航班減少就意味著與沒有疫情的情況相比, 航空業不得不為增長購買更多的抵消額度。

一些國家政府已經同意推出一系列支持計劃,包括新加坡、中國、澳洲、巴西、新西蘭、瑞典、丹麥、挪威和芬蘭。歐洲空中交通管理機制Eurocontrol 已經同意將 11 億歐元的導航服務款項推遲到今年 5 月收取。

截至目前,英國政府一直抵抗來自航空公司的壓力。財政大臣里希・蘇納克(Rishi Sunak)告訴各大公司,除非沒有其他辦法,比如從股東、投資者和銀行處籌集資金,否則不會考慮單獨給他們提供支持。易捷航空將向商業貸款機構借了 5 億美元,並已獲得 7.3 億美元的政府貸款。

與此同時,歐盟已經接近於承諾會保持經濟刺激計劃與綠色新政的協同一致。歐盟 27 國領導人在 3 月的一份聯合聲明中指出:「我們應該開始準備採取必要措施,幫助社會和經濟回歸正軌,實現可持續增長,實現綠色轉型和數字化轉型並舉。」

歐盟給予航空公司的具體支持是,允許成員國決定是否為其提供有限的國家援助,但歐洲運輸與環境聯合會航空經理安德魯・墨菲(Andrew Murphy)指出,委員會仍在推進稅收和替代燃料政策, 例如新冠疫情爆發後啟動了有關出台航空業替代燃料強制令的



※  本文轉載自中外對話〈面對新冠疫情,航班試圖拖延氣候措施〉



Over the past decade, the developing world economy has allowed for strong growth in shipping activities, with the demand for transport never having been higher. However, the benefits of this growth have been limited due to the industry jeopardizing the good times by ordering too many ships.

In the 2010s, the supple of ships has largely outgrown demand, putting freight rates under pressure persistently and causing challenging conditions for the dry bulk market. A total of 413 million DWT has flooded the marked since the turn of the decade, bringing the world dry bulk fleet to 878.6m DWT at the start of 2020, an 88.8% increase from the start of 2010. During the same period demand grew at less than half that rate at 40.3%.

With the coronavirus hitting economies as soon as this new decade begun and the world entering an unprecedented recession, the past decade has determined in what condition the shipping industry enters this new challenge.

“While the overcapacity that dominated the dry bulk market in much of the 2010s continues into this new decade, the coronavirus will surely leave its mark on the 2020s. This puts demand under severe pressure and causes high uncertainty as to how the situation will develop, even as ordering activity and fleet growth slows,”

Peter Sand, BIMCO’s Chief Shipping Analyst says.

Fleet growth rates varied by sector

The Capesize and Handymax fleets experienced the highest growth, both more than doubling in size over the course of the decade, adding 178m DWT and 115.2 m DWT to their respective fleets (+104.6% and 123.8%). The Handysize fleet had the lowest growth during the decade, adding only 22.8m DWT to bring the fleet to 104.7m DWT (+27.8%).

Fleet growth was highest at the start of the decade, as vessels ordered at the peak of the market – before the Great Financial Crisis – were delivered. The largest growth in absolute terms came in 2011 when the fleet grew by a net of 80.9m DWT. Both 2011 and 2012 had over 100m DWT of gross deliveries, offset by demolition of 6.5m and 23.3m DWT respectively. The slowest year for net fleet growth was 2016, during which the fleet grew by 17m DWT, the lowest fleet growth in percentage since the  late 90s (1998-1999).

An almost constantly deteriorating fleet utilization

Despite fleet growth slowing towards the end of the decade, 2014 and 2017 were the only two years that decade in which the fleet grew slower than demand, which is what is needed for the fundamental balance and therefore for the market to improve. Testament to this, both 2014 and 2017 saw higher average earnings in most dry bulk sectors.

The worsening of the balance over the course of the 2010s meant that freight rates were under pressure. In the Capesize market, where an average ship needs at least USD 15,000 per day to cover its financing and operating costs, average freight rates were only above this breakeven level during half of the decade.

Demand growth lagging fleet growth in all but two years

2010 was the year in the decade with the highest demand growth, with demand in million tonnes up by 12.7% and tonne mile demand rising by 13.7%. Throughout the decade, demand trended lower. The lowest growth in tonne miles was in 2019 at only 0.6%, whereas measured in tonnes, the lowest demand growth came in 2015 at only 0.2%.

Over the whole decade, demand grew by 40.3% when measured in tonne miles, from 20,971.3 billion tonne-miles to 29,416.9b, and 37.3% when measured in tonnes, from 3,837.4 million tonnes to 5,268.6m. The strongest growth came from grain volumes, which were 50% higher in 2019 than in 2010, with iron  ore  posting an  almost equally high growth rate (47.1% in tonnes and 35.5% in tonne miles), thereby keeping its dominant position in the dry bulk market ahead of “King Coal”, which took the top spot in million tonnes in 2012.

Freight rates did not return to the highs of 2010

Comparing average earnings across all sectors in dry bulk shipping shows that they peaked at the start of the decade in 2010. Furthermore, they all had their poorest year in 2016. Since then, freight rates have risen, with Capesize rates in 2019 rising to their highest level since 2010, while the smaller sectors saw rates fall from 2018 to 2019.

“The lower freight rates in the past decade compared to the 2000s are testament to the lower demand growth that has dominated since the Great Financial Crisis and the oversupply of shipping capacity. The recession that will follow in the wake of the coronavirus and its containment measures, as well as how the world will emerge from it, will set the tone for this decade,” Sand says.

Vessel Type DWT
Handysize 10,000 – 39,999
Handymax 40,000 – 64,999
Panamax 65,000 – 99,999
Capesize 100,000+





 IMO Secretary-General statements

Personal message from IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim to seafarers (21 April 2020)

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim statement (19 March 2020) Tackling COVID-19 – a voyage together

IMO press briefings: click here.

Advice for IMO Member States, seafarers and shipping

IMO has issued the following circular letters:

  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.15(6 May 2020) – Coronavirus (COVID 19) – Personal protective equipment
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.14(5 May 2020) – Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Recommended framework of protocols for ensuring safe ship crew changes and travel during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.13(5 May 2020) – Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Recommendations for Governments and relevant national authorities on facilitating the movement of offshore energy sector personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.12(27 April 2020) – Coronavirus (COVID 19) – Declaration by Port Authorities Roundtable (PAR) members in view of the global COVID-19 situation
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.11(24 April 2020) – Coronavirus (COVID 19) – EC Guidelines on protection of health, repatriation and travel arrangements for seafarers, passengers and other persons on board ships
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.10(22 April 2020) – Joint Statement IMO-WHO-ILO on medical certificates of seafarers, ship sanitation certificates and medical care of seafarers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic 
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.9 (16 April 2020) – Joint Statement IMO-WCO on the integrity of the global supply chain during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.8(14 April 2020) – Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Video meeting with port State control (PSC) regimes (includes joint statement and statements and/or relevant temporary guidance issued by the United States, the Acuerdo de Viña del Mar and the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Paris and Tokyo MOUs
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.7(3 April 2020) – Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance concerning unforeseen delays in the delivery of ships
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.6(27 March 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Preliminary list of recommendations for Governments and relevant national authorities on the facilitation of maritime trade during the COVID-19 pandemic 
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.5/Rev.1(2 April 2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance relating to the certification of seafarers and fishing vessel personnel
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.4(5 March 2020) contains ICS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for ship operators for the protection of the health of seafarers
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.3 (2 March 2020) – Operational considerations for managing COVID-19 cases/outbreak on board ships
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.2(21 February 2020) contains the Joint Statement IMO-WHO on the Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak and encourages Member States and international organizations to disseminate it as widely as possible. Available in the six official languages of the United Nations system.
Arabic ​Chinese ​English ​French Russian​ ​Spanish
  • Circular Letter No.4204/Add.1 (19 February 2020) provides advice on Implementation and enforcement of relevant IMO instruments
  • Circular Letter No.4203.Add.1 (12 February 2020) provides information and guidance on the precautions to be taken to minimize risks to delegates
  • Circular Letter No.4204 (31 January 2020) providing information and guidance, based on recommendations developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), on the precautions to be taken to minimize risks to seafarers, passengers and others on board ships from the coronavirus. 

Communications received from Member States and Associate Members

IMO has received, and circulated,  communications from Member States and Associate Members Communications

Click here to view full list of communications received by country and subject.

Download PDF – Table overview: List of Circular Letters with COVID-19 related notifications received from Member States (updated weekly).


IMO最新的消息和Circular Letter請看這裡



New date: Leading international maritime trade fair to take place from 2 to 5 February 2021

SMM, the leading international maritime trade fair, has been postponed to 2-5 February 2021 in response to the coronavirus pandemic and its global impact on major events and international travelling.

“The continued highly dynamic development of COVID-19 and the resulting ban on major events have left us no other choice but to postpone SMM to next year. Finding a suitable new timeframe for SMM was not an easy task for us, and we are happy we have been able to do so,” said Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress.

Following intense consultations with the exhibitor advisory board, Hamburg Messe und Congress and its partners and other exhibitor representatives have agreed on the new dates, from 2 to 5 February 2021. This means SMM will be the new year’s first international gathering of the maritime industry.

“We will offer the global maritime community an extraordinary, more compact SMM in February 2021. Together we will overcome this crisis and host an SMM that will live up to its own, high standards. We are looking forward to welcoming everybody back,” said Bernd Aufderheide.

Originally SMM was to take place from 8 to 11 September 2020.

Detailed answers to any questions in connection with the postponement can be found at


CLIA —the Cruise Line Industry International Association — announced yesterday that its ocean-going cruise lines will be voluntarily and temporarily suspending cruise ship operations from U.S. ports of call for 30 days as public health officials and the U.S. Government continue to address COVID-19.

The announcement came after several cruise lines had individually announced similar suspensions.

CLIA cruise line members are voluntarily and temporarily suspending operations from the U.S. as we work to address this public health crisis,” said Kelly Craighead, President and CEO, CLIA. “This is an unprecedented situation. Our industry has taken responsibility for protecting public health for more than 50 years, working under the guidance of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and prides itself on its ability to deliver exceptional vacation experiences for guests, as well as meaningful employment opportunities for crew. This has been a challenging time, but we hope that this decision will enable us to focus on the future and a return to normal as soon as possible.”

The temporary suspension will take effect at 12:00AM EDT on 14 March 2020. CLIA ocean-going cruise lines are focused on the safe and smooth return of those currently at sea onboard ships that will be affected by this decision.

“We do not take this decision lightly, and we want the traveling public to know in no uncertain terms the commitment of this industry to putting people first,” said Adam Goldstein, CLIA Global Chairman. “During this time, we will continue to work with the CDC and others to prepare for resumption of sailings when it is appropriate. We know the travel industry is a huge economic engine for the United States and when our ships once again sail, our industry will be a significant contributor to fueling the economic recovery.”

Guests who are booked on cruise itineraries which will be impacted by this decision are encouraged to contact their travel advisors or reach out to their cruise lines directly.


Richard Branson’s Virgin Voyages says it has made the very difficult decision to postpone the Showcase Tour launch and inaugural sailing season for its first ship, Scarlet Lady, until July 15, 2020, with its Maiden Voyage taking place August 7, 2020.

“The business is well supported and our partnership between the Virgin Group and Bain Capital means that Virgin Voyages can remain focused on the health and safety of our Sailors and Crew,” said a statement from Branson and Virgin Voyages president Tom McAlpin. (“Sailors” is what Virgin Voyages calls its passengers).

“We have absolutely no health issues aboard our ship and have elevated protocols in place as we continue to put your well-being first,” says the announcement, which adds that “Virgin Voyages is working with relevant parties to research new technologies that will help to expedite health screenings and make people feel safe. Developments are ongoing and the hope is to identify this opportunity over the course of the next month.”

文章來源: Marine Log


Three Small Cruise Ships Have Known COVID-19 Cases On Board

Though the cruise industry has broadly canceled or delayed future voyages due to the risk of coronavirus, many cruise ships are still under way and are winding down their itineraries. Three have known coronavirus cases on board, adding to the previous incidents aboard Diamond Princess and Grand Princess.In addition to the known coronavirus cases aboard the Fred. Olsen vessel Braemar, which is currently under way for a port of refuge in Cuba, two Silversea Cruises vessels have been quarantined in Latin America.

Silver Shadow

In Pernambuco, Brazil, health authorities decided to hold the cruise ship Silver Shadow in quarantine at the port of Recife last Thursday after a passenger developed coronavirus symptoms. The individual, a 78-year-old man, has tested positive. He was disembarked and taken to a local hospital.

Over 600 passengers remain on board.“We have asked guests on the ships to temporarily remain in their cabins in accordance with our medical isolation protocols,” a spokesperson for operator Silversea told The Guardian.

As in previous quarantines, meals are being delivered for passengers and placed outside of their rooms. “It’s really nothing to complain about,” said passenger Doug Bernstein, speaking to the Naples Daily News. “This ship is amazing. The crew have been fabulous, both in terms of impeccable service and caution.”

“The atmosphere is peaceful, the guests remain in their cabins and the only different situation is that the vessel will receive drinking water and will remove solid and liquid waste today. All under the supervision of [health officials],” said Olimar Cardoso dos Santos, regional coordinator for Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa).

Silver Explorer

The Silversea vessel Silver Explorer has been quarantined at the port of Chacabuco, Chile after an 83-year-old passenger from the UK tested positive for COVID-19. The individual has been evacuated to a nearby hospital, and Chilean health minister Jaime Manalich told media that the man was in good condition.

The quarantine comes as Chile implements strict restrictions on movement: the nation has closed its borders to foreign nationals, though cargo operations will continue as before. “We’ve decided to close all our country’s terrestrial, maritime and aerial borders for the transit of foreigners,” announced Chile’s President Sebastian Pinera at a press conference on Monday.


In addition to the known cases aboard Braemar, Silver Shadow and Silver Explorer, other vessels have encountered delays and precautionary measures as port state officials move to control possible coronavirus risks.

Chile’s decision to close its borders Monday had an immediate effect for the Holland America cruise ship Zaandam, which has no known or suspected cases on board. “Despite a positive outlook for disembarking Zaandam guests today at Punta Arenas, Chile, we were not allowed to do so by local authorities. Therefore, the ship departed the port this evening and is now en route to San Antonio, Chile, for a service call to take on fuel and other provisions,” Holland America said in a statement. “Our Seattle headquarters and the ship are working with several governments and embassies on options for where to disembark guests.”

Aboard the Golden Princess, three passengers have been quarantined aboard with respiratory symptoms; one individual was tested and returned a negative result for the virus. There are no known cases on board, and Golden Princess has been cleared to sail. She is now making her way to Australia.

Norwegian Jewel canceled port calls in Tahiti and Fiji after she was denied permission to enter, and she is now anchored off Suva. “We are actively working to find an alternative port and are communicating with guests regularly as we have further information,” operator NCL said in a statement. The vessel has no known or suspected cases on board.


The Costa Luminosa is currently under way for Marseilles after a transatlantic voyage from the Caribbean, and passengers have expressed concern that she may have positive cases on board. Three passengers from the current voyage have been disembarked and have since tested positive for the disease.

On February 29, one Costa Luminosa passenger was medevaced to the Cayman Islands after developing symptoms of a stroke. He later tested positive for COVID-19, and on Saturday he died, according to the Miami Herald.

On March 8, two more passengers were disembarked in Puerto Rico, and they have also tested positive for COVID-19. The vessel was then refused entry to Antigua and headed onwards to her next port of call, the Canary Islands, a weeklong voyage across the Atlantic. Upon arrival she disembarked three more ill passengers (their test status has not been reported).

Costa Luminosa is now headed onwards for Marseilles, where she is due to arrive Thursday. Non-Italian guests are expected to be allowed to disembark, according to a letter provided to passengers and shared on social media. Photos and accounts provided by passengers currently on board the ship indicate that quarantine measures have been implemented.

文章來源: The Maritime Executive